Friday, March 14, 2014

Kodiak Island Brewing Company...Hell Yeah!

We've actually been to the brewery a bunch of times since we've been here, but for some reason it didn't occur to me to blog about it until now.  Which is funny, because it's such a great place.  And as many of you know, I do love beer.  Better late than never, I guess. 

This is their seasonal Belgian Wit, it's one of my favorites.

Owner "Jerry!"
One of the owners looks like a skinny Jerry Garcia. - It's like a hippie nirvana in this joint & I love it.  They have a nice variety of beers, but they're definitely not mellow.  You won't find a Bud or Coors Light equivalent here.  I like their Belgian Wit and hubby is a fan of their Wingnut Brown Ale. It's a fun atmosphere to hang out in and attracts the locals from the younger set right on up to the oldsters, and everything in between.  (I guess we're the in between.)  I love bars/breweries that have the ability to lure in a huge cross-section of generations.  Makes it much more interesting and there's always someone engaging to chat with.

I found myself talking with a guy who's the biggest Kodiak fan ever, who comes up once a year or so for work.  His name was Mike and he works on tugboats.  So naturally, he was deemed Tugboat Mike.  Not to his face, of course.

Film crew and hippie
Feeding Alaska pilot guy
It's funny, while we were there, there was a National Geographic film crew filming a pilot for yet another new Alaskan reality show.  Seems like along with all things hillbilly, all things Alaskan is the newest trend in TV shows.  I asked one of the guys in the crew about it, and he said it was called Feeding Alaska, and that it would be about an Alaskan man and his family, going out into the bush to hunt and gather. We'll see whether the pilot actually makes it into a show.

I guess this was a little in town departure for them.  Not much hunting and foraging to do at the old brewery.  Foraging for beer?  Ha.  Again, hippie-tastic.  This guy in the blue hat with the crazy beard was the main guy from the pilot.  I'll have to check out the first episode because I was totally in the background shot for about 10 minutes.  Kind of funny that I might get some screen time.  You'd think if anyone would be on a reality show, it would be the hubby on Coast Guard Alaska!

Another cool thing about the atmosphere is that they have rotating local artist displays, and the space is filled with vintage fishing gear and Kodiak-related historical pieces. So it's a brewery, but has all kinds of neat fishing and Kodiak-centric things to check out while you're there.

This Christmas, the hubby surprised me with a beautiful photo print by a local artist of one of the first canneries on Kodiak in Moser Bay.  I love the print, the colors are fantastic.  The reason why I'm bringing it up is because the exact same print is a full sized mural on one of the walls in the brewery.  Another reason I love this place!  This is it:

I just LOVE the colors

These are some of the permanent art and rotating exhibits displayed throughout the brewery:

For those adventurous folks that come up to pay us a visit while we're here, you can count on a visit or two to the Kodiak Island Brewing Company.  (I'm talking to you, Christine and Mick!)  It's another Kodiak favorite of mine that will have to be shared with anyone who braves the looong and expensive flights to get here.  Oh, and here's another reason to love the brewery. - It's dog friendly.  So if we feel like it, Pugbulls can come along.  These two wudgers were patiently waiting for their person when we were heading out:

I guess I should make it a goal to taste all the beers they have to offer.  I've made my way through trying at least 4 or 5 of them so far.  New challenge!

Ta-ta for now.

Love the combo of corrugated aluminum walls, growlers & wooden kegs

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