Friday, April 14, 2017

The Top of the Slide

Man, I'm starting to sound like a broken record.  Why?  Because here I am spouting the same shpiel about being on the verge of moving.  Again.  Tough to believe we're staring down that barrel.  Again.

This time is slightly different, though.  We haven't even lived here in Sacramento for a full year, and we're already prepping to leave.  Sacramento has been many things, but mostly...fleeting.   

A normal Coast Guard tour is usually 4 years, but since the hubby advanced to a new rank, this tour was cut significantly short.  So here we are the top of the slide.

Just a little more time and we'll be pushing off, gliding down to another cross-country road trip, another life overhaul. I'm hoping that easygoing playground vibe follows us on our trip down the slide!

The prospect of doing it all again - only 10 months or so after our last move - is slightly daunting.  But I will say that my love of list making has helped me get a handle on it.

Between my pre-move checklist, my post-move check list, my master PCS packing list, and my road trip itinerary spread sheet...I've got this shit down.  Let's hear it for fastidiousness.

So now it's just a matter of pushing off the slide.  Wish us luck!

Ta-ta for now.

I'm sure this exceptionally cute travel companion will boost our morale!

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